Changelog ========= v0.5.0 ------ Full Changelog: Fixes ^^^^^ - Fix py.typed marker not being included in the package - Use ``if __name__ == "__main__":`` condition in ``discord_ws/`` to prevent side effects when imported Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add this documentation site If you found me from the repository, 👋 hello! v0.4.0 ------ Full Changelog: Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Significantly refactor :py:class:`~discord_ws.Client` internal methods for improved extensibility - :py:meth:` ` may now raise :py:exc:`~discord_ws.GatewayReconnect` and :py:exc:`~discord_ws.SessionInvalidated` - :py:meth:` ` is now expected to raise an exception group - Remove ``Heart(client)`` dependency in favour of directly accepting a stream in ``Heart.stay_alive()`` - Remove client attribute from ``Stream`` protocol in favour of ``ws`` interface New Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add :py:attr:`Client.presence ` and :py:meth:`Client.set_presence() ` for setting bot presence - Add :py:attr:`Client.large_threshold ` to specify the desired threshold for offline members to not be sent Fixes ^^^^^ - Correct typo causing :py:attr:`~discord_ws.DispatchEvent.seq` to be missing when sending RESUME event v0.3.0 ------ Full Changelog: Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Potentially raise :py:exc:`~discord_ws.HeartbeatLostError` when using :py:meth:` ` rather than cleanly exiting - Remove :py:meth:`Client.create() ` classmethod in favour of constructing :py:class:`~discord_ws.Client` directly - Replace ``on_dispatch`` parameter from :py:class:`~discord_ws.Client()` with :py:meth:`Client.on_dispatch() ` method Fixes ^^^^^ - Prevent potential race condition with session ID being unset - Use local :py:class:`Random ` instance in heartbeat to avoid affecting user state v0.2.0 ------ Full Changelog: New Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Improve logging of connection closures - Implement exponential backoff to avoid spamming Discord with connections Fixes ^^^^^ - Prevent full write buffer from causing double heartbeats - Fix client reconnecting after calling :py:meth:`Client.close() ` Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Indicate that bot tokens should be prefixed with ``Bot`` v0.1.0 ------ This marks the first release of the discord-ws library! 🎉 .. code-block:: ruby :force: $ python -m discord_ws --env-token TOKEN --no-intents discord_ws.client.client ( DEBUG) => Requesting gateway URL discord_ws.client.client ( DEBUG) => Starting connection loop discord_ws.client.client ( DEBUG) => Creating websocket connection ( DEBUG) => Received 124 chars discord_ws.client.client ( DEBUG) => Received hello from gateway discord_ws.client.heartbeat ( DEBUG) => Waiting 42.17s for heartbeat discord_ws.client.client ( DEBUG) => Sending identify payload ( DEBUG) => Received 1855 chars discord_ws.client.client ( DEBUG) => Received READY event